Saturday 18 July 2015

3 Secret Backside Busters

You probably have had someone once tell you that “you are not seeing what is right in front of you”. Well, when it comes to exercise, usually the opposite is true. Too often we look in the mirror and work on what we see our biceps, chests, quadriceps and abs. The only thing behind us that we usually consider working on is our derrieres. 
But there is a whole army of muscles behind us that need just as much attention as what is in front. Hamstrings, back and calves are equally important. Sure, you most likely do many exercises focusing on the shoulders like presses and side and front raises, but what about those rear deltoids? Are you forgetting about them?

One of the problems is that if you rely on strength and conditioning classes to work your back half, you are somewhat limited in exercise options. One-arm rows with weights or lateral pull downs with bands are the extent of most back exercises unless you are in a circuit-type class where there are different machines available. We end up doing endless squats and lunges, but deadlifts and calf raises are sometimes overlooked.

But it is never too late to begin working those hard-to-see muscles. Here are a few exercises to get more for your entire backside.

More Fitness On:  3 Secret Backside Busters

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